7 - Creating a movement

Since the launch of the Circular Glasgow initiative, several projects are now underway within the city including…

Jaw Brew

This family brewery in Glasgow partnered with Aulds the Bakery to create Hardtack, an award-winning beer brewed from unsold bread.


Blonde Beer from Bread - View on YouTube

Read the Jaw Brew blog

Glasgow Coffee Festival

The 2018 festival - organised by Dear Green Coffee - was the first coffee festival globally to ban disposable cups, saving 18,000 cups and composting waste coffee grounds, food and drink.


Coffee Festival Video - View on YouTube

St. Enoch Centre

The centre collects waste coffee grounds from its shopping mall food and drink retailers, using it to condition soil for the centre’s plants. The initiative is expected to save the shopping centre £140 per tonne of recycled coffee.



This independent design studio in Glasgow has partnered with Spreng Thomson, communications specialists, to pilot a circular design led programme with local SMEs.


Young Enterprise Scotland

This charity working with young people has developed The Circular Economy Challenge programme in Glasgow primary schools, challenging pupils to develop circular ideas and products.


In addition to connecting companies across the city and supporting pilot projects, Circular Glasgow also takes pride in showcasing a range of local organisations who are pioneering circular business models including:

Sofa for Life

Manufacturing sustainable and user-friendly alternative to conventional sofas

Egg Lighting

Lighting and sensor systems designed to maximise energy efficiency

Glasgow Wood Recycling

Ethically produced, hand-crafted garden and indoor furniture

Scottish Leather Group

The lowest carbon footprint of any leather maker in the world

Revive Eco

Using leftover coffee grind to produce bio-oils for a range of commercial uses

Scottish Event Campus

Implemented a number of initiatives including providing their surplus food to local charity Launch Foods.

Want more inspiration? Take a look on the Circular Glasgow site and find out more.